My dear friend Lucille told me last week that I have had quite a lot interest in my blog. She told me to check my profile - 65 visitors, how exciting! I checked again - 66! The next day I checked several more times - it was up to 74. And today it's up to 87 - Amazing! Every time I look, there's another... ah! Oh dear! I am put in mind of Winnie-the-Pooh, walking around the spinney with Piglet. Every time they went round they found yet another set of Woozle or Wizzle tracks. "I have been Foolish and Deluded," said he, "and I am a Bear (or blogger) of No Brain at All."
So if there are any real Woozles or Wizzles out there, please sign my visitors' book - with a paw print.
Am I Real? Like the Velveteen Rabbit?
If you really want to know how many visitors you have you should install SiteMeter which is free. It will tell you all sorts of fascinating information such as where they come from and why they came in the first place.
Thank you, Alice, that might be useful.
first visit here ... and I do like Winnie the Pooh
Hello! You seem to have stopped blogging; what a pity.
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