Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Hunting Woozles

My dear friend Lucille told me last week that I have had quite a lot interest in my blog. She told me to check my profile - 65 visitors, how exciting! I checked again - 66! The next day I checked several more times - it was up to 74. And today it's up to 87 - Amazing! Every time I look, there's another... ah! Oh dear! I am put in mind of Winnie-the-Pooh, walking around the spinney with Piglet. Every time they went round they found yet another set of Woozle or Wizzle tracks. "I have been Foolish and Deluded," said he, "and I am a Bear (or blogger) of No Brain at All."

So if there are any real Woozles or Wizzles out there, please sign my visitors' book - with a paw print.

Monday, 21 September 2009

Rugby blues

At the age of nine, my son's games report described him as "the Billy Whizz of the Under 10 Cs". Two years later, promoted to the A team, he was affectionately called "Freaky Legs". Moving to senior school at 13, his new tag was "The Red Rocket". But now, at 16, and fed up with his serial injuries, he has decided to hang up his rugby boots and concentrate on sprinting (where the aggression is all in the mind-games, but at least he is unlikely to be physically attacked). His new soubriquet is Ferdinand (who has a very sympathetic mother).

Friday, 18 September 2009

Impulse buying

We were out of milk, so I bought these (and luckily remembered the milk as I joined the checkout queue). Both my daughters always relished a trip to buy a new set of colouring pencils before school started each September - right up to the age of 18. My son was never interested, probably because he used to pay his sisters out of his pocket money to do any colouring homework for him. Both daughters are now working in jobs which, as far as I know, do not require colouring pencils. But perhaps I can earn a little pin money by offering to colour in hearts for my son. No, he's not designing early Valentines, he's just started AS Level Biology.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Autumn blues

I am feeling responsible for Lucille's fit of the blues. The blues are neither beautiful nor useful. I am worried that she may commit blue murder. So I have cheered myself up by ordering two new cashmere jumpers.